Adam - God Theory
Though this isn't in the Book of Mormon much...
Many have spoken against it recently (relatively speaking), saying it's not right. But few say why. I'll share why it seems quite impossible to me.
First, you can't father yourself:
Moses 6:22 “…the sons of Adam, who was the son of God…”
*Luke 3:38: “which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.”
Here in the scriptures we see that the Father, the Son, and Adam are three distinct persons:
*Moses 4:28: “And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten: Behold, the man is become as one of us to know…”
*D&C 137:3, 5: “I (Joseph) saw…the blazing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son.” “I (Joseph) saw Father Adam …”
Another problem is that it (Heavenly Father as Adam dying again) contradicts the standard works:
*Alma 11:45: Amulek talking about the resurrection: “…that they can die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided…that they can see no more corruption.”
*Alma 12:18: Alma: “and they cannot die, seeing there is no more corruption.”
*D&C 63:49: “…they shall rise from the dead and shall not die after…”
*D&C 88:116: “…and they shall not any more see death.”
*(much later) D&C 138:17: “the spirit and the body to be united never again to be divided…”
Even if Adam were translated instead of dying, he would still have to die later.
But, we know that Adam did die:
*Moses 4:25: “until thou shalt return unto the ground—for thou shalt surely die…”
*Genesis 5:5: “…Adam…died.”
Adam had died and was still just a spirit when Christ was to be born; how was he to be the father? And if a spirit, why the need for the Holy Ghost to overshadow Mary?
And wouldn’t the scriptures say something about the reunion between Father and Son in the Spirit World at the Resurrection?
And why would God the Father have to go through this all again, having already gained his exaltation? Especially becoming subject to the will of the devil, to temptations, and sinning. So, the Father has the Son; the Father becomes his own son, or the Son's son (woops, no body, no do); then sins and falls, becomes subject to the devil (“Became subject to will of the devil”: D&C 29:40), then is saved by His Son.
Not to mention that the temple now seems to make it even more impossible to believe this theory.
President Brigham Young was the ordained Revelator to the church. He was a close trusted friend earlier of the Prophet Joseph. Obviously, his teachings should be considered carefully by the Latter-day Saints. Is not the answer to the Adam-God conundrum MORE revelation. Did not Christ say he had MANY more things to say unto his people when they are ready? (John 16:12-13) Does not D&C 121 promise more and more revelation in the last days? Are you sure the fairly recent revelations in the Second Book of Commandments are not the answer to this puzzle?
revelation is surely needed for all times. one of the things that didn't make sense to me is the contradiction with the standard works, which are the standard in doctrine.
The further revelation concerning God and Adam in the Second Book of Commandments resolves the seeming contradictions between President Young's teachings and the scriptures. Well, and these revelations show that President Young was teaching one particular false idea about it for some reason.
The biggest "evidence" for the Adam-God theory is in JoD 1:51. Elder Charles C. Rich, who was serving in the Council of the 12 at the time, stood on the stand and recorded notes as Pres. Young spoke. When he saw the written report he immediately corrected the statement, called it a complete misquotation, and noted it in the margin of his own copy of the JoD, which is now in the Church archives and was seen and attested of by Elder Mark E. Peterson, detailed in his book "Adam: Who Is He?" The quote should read, according to Elder Rich: "Jesus our Elder Brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character who talked with Adam in the Garden of Eden, and who is our Heavenly Father." In that same sermon we see Young explicitly pointing to 3 individuals in the creation: Michael, Jehovah and Elohim.
Other times Pres. Young clearly taught they were separate beings:
Discourses of BY pg. 105.
Don;t forget to check out my blog! Thanks.
But Richard, after a very short read of the Second Book of Commandments, it is clear to me that it's not the word of God--and not just because of the source. (It has some major, major problems.)
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